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Join us for an exhilarating journey of personal growth and meaningful connection! Aspire is where invigorating discipleship and smaller interaction groups come together, delving deep into the word of God and then encouraging one another in one of our Tiny Affirmation Groups (TAG). It’s not merely about gaining knowledge; it’s about experiencing a fresh perspective on your purpose and cultivating a stronger relationship with Christ. This tremendous journey called “life” is far more fulfilling when we know more fully who we are and are also helping transform the lives of those that journey alongside us.  



Vision: Aspire envisions to empower every believer with a profound opportunity to comprehend their true selves and grasp the vastness of God’s intentions for them. This understanding and hope serve as a pathway, leading to the realization of their full potential, experiencing boundless joy, and gaining the remarkable ability to more perfectly reflect the Father’s heart in responsibilities, relationships, and resources. 

Mission: Our mission is deeply rooted in creating a dynamic learning journey for believers, blending traditional classroom settings with immersive hands-on apprenticeships. It goes beyond merely fostering individual growth; we aspire for believers to not only rise to maturity but also to become ministers, raising others alongside them. Our goal is to equip them to actively apply transformative principles that uncover the fullness of God’s purpose within them, propelling them toward the realization of their God-given potential. 

Aspire is made up of two components.  

The Two Components: 

1. Apprenticeship Training (AT): Delve into our carefully designed course structure, comprising five levels: Belonging, Becoming, Connecting, Serving, and Ministry. This exceptional approach is crafted to nurture a profound understanding of Christ’s heart, inspiring both newcomers and seasoned followers alike. Our aim is to fortify the foundations of every believer, guiding you on an exhilarating path to unlock the vibrant life God envisioned for you through His word. Get ready for an exciting exploration ahead as we embark on this journey together! 


*Each level is made up of courses, and each course is made up of individual classes (a range of 4 to 8 weeks of classes for each course).  


Level 1: BELONGING (Personal Study = Good & Beautiful God)  

(3 courses) 

Understanding God’s Plan for You  

Your New Journey with God  

The ABCs of Christianity  

Level 2: BECOMING (Personal Study = Good & Beautiful You) (4 courses) 

Your New Identity in Christ  

Freedom in Christ  

The Spirit Led Life 

Financial Freedom 

Level 3: CONNECTING (Personal Study = Good and Beautiful Life) 

Building Graced Based Relationships  

Building a Healthy Marriage 

Godly Parenting 

Conflict Resolution 

Level 4: SERVING (Personal Study = Good & Beautiful Community) 

Developing a Servant’s Heart 

Growing Your Faith 

Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts 

Discovering Your Ministry 

Level 5: MINISTRY (Personal Study = Experiencing God) 

Living a Balanced Life 

Principles of Leadership 

Understanding the Kingdom 

The Art of Disciple Making

2. Tiny Affirmation Groups (TAG): Join in the enriching atmosphere of our Tiny Affirmation Groups where every other week you’ll discover engaging dialogue and meaningful connections. As a TAG member, you’ll receive four personalized workbooks exploring the profound themes of the “Good and Beautiful” series: God, You, Life, and Community. Within the comfort of a communal setting, participants gather to reflect and share perspectives cultivated during their individual studies. These sessions offer opportunities for fellowship, encouragement, and growth, creating a tight-knit community that eagerly anticipates each gathering. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of this transformative experience! Register HERE for a TAG in your local area.

You can also start our Aspire courses ONLINE today! 

If you need more information or have any questions, you can check out our Facebook page or email us at