Christ Temple Church began in Huntington, West Virginia in 1957 when Roland Gardner and his wife, Joleane, came from Louisiana to hold a revival meeting. This meeting led to such a move of God that they both felt led to resign from their church in DeRidder to come here and start a church in a storefront.
As the revival intensified, the church purchased property across the street on Adams Avenue. The small structure was eventually transformed into a beautiful facility to hold over 250 people. Pastor Gardner became one of the most well-versed and eloquent speakers anyone had ever heard, and through his vibrant ministry, the church remained full of excitement and life.
In late 1995, he prophesied over the music minister, Chuck Lawrence, that he would be the next pastor of the church. Thirteen days later, Pastor Gardner passed away at the age of 68. Never being made aware of Pastor Gardner’s prophetic word over Chuck, the board asked if he would consider becoming the next pastor. He accepted the role on a limited basis, remaining full-time in his business. However, within his first six months as pastor, God distinctly told him that he wanted him to go on a “great adventure.” With that one word from God, he passed his business on to two of his employees and fully dedicated himself to being the pastor. He began working with minimal resources believing that God was his ultimate source.
Within three years, the church outgrew the building with a regular attendance of over 400 people. Christ Temple Church services were moved to the Veterans Memorial Field House while they attempted to secure property for a new church facility. Many challenges would lie ahead during this long and difficult process. However, through these uncertain times, the church family witnessed the faithfulness of God in nothing short of the miraculous.
Through some of the most amazing, dramatic adventures, the congregation witnessed the vivid, undeniable power of God at work—from the astonishing purchase of the property to the suspense in the courtroom and the stunning rejection of every loan institution. Yet, at the end of construction, the $6.8 million project was completed—completely debt free within less than two years. Only God!
From that point on, trusting God had been elevated to the highest heights because Christ Temple had tangible proof that nothing is impossible with God. Multiple salvations, miraculous healings, and deliverances from addiction are evidenced weekly. Christ Temple is now impacting the surrounding community in a powerful way while impacting the world congruently with extraordinary generosity through the life-giving Spirit of God.
Presently, there are over 100 ministries strong at Christ Temple including a full-time childcare center and K-12 private school on campus. We have outstanding children’s, youth, and young adults’ ministries building hope in the next generation. The worship music at Christ Temple is world-renowned including many nationally recognized ministers and writers, and there are currently 550 Christ Temple churches abroad, beginning in Zambia. We are steadily growing, and God is orchestrating this all together right now for our even greater future. As you join in with us, you will find that we will help discover, develop, and deploy the gifts that God has placed inside of you so you can be a part of maximizing our moments and establishing the great future that God has for all of us.
About Christ Temple June 29th, 2023admin